Tuesday 26 August 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Nigeria successfully blocks Ebola, has one case left- Minister

Nigeria has successfully reduced the number of

Ebola cases in the country to one, the Minister

of Health, Onyebuchi Chukwu, has said.

As of Tuesday, only one Ebola patient

remained in isolation in Nigeria, down from

the 13 cases the country confirmed since the

outbreak of the virus in July, Mr. Chukwu said

at a press conference.

The deadly virus was first brought to Nigeria

38 days ago by a Liberian-American man,

Patrick Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer later died, but

after health workers who treated him had

contracted the virus.

Mr. Chukwu said so far Nigeria has had 13

cases including the index case. Five of those

infected died, while seven have successfully

recovered and were discharged.

Two of the nurses who managed Mr. Sawyer

were discharged Monday at the isolation

centre in Lago, Mr. Chukwu said.

He said Nigeria has been able to curtail Ebola

in the country.

All the 129 people who were under

surveillance have completed the 21day

observation incubation period and only one

person was found to be symptomatic and is

still being observed, he added.

Stay tune

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