Monday, 11 August 2014

Dear parents: you'll never guess what really makes students succeed

Some children are born sharp, others need some extra effort,
while some are just plain lazy. But every parent wants their
children tobecomeengineers, lawyers, doctors etc. They want
their kids to get straight A's, well.. you'll never guess how to
make it happen till you read this.

Did you know that students that have personal home tutors
perform way better than students with the same level of
intelligence that only go for classroom lessons? It's only
naturally because home tutors remind students to do
assignments, copy notes, check day-to-day class activity and
they provided the kind of one-on-one dedicated attention
that a class teacher can never give each student.
But how do you now get a good home tutor. Read this short
question and answer session with Lagos most reputable
online home tutoring agency.
Q 1. How does a parent get a fitting tutor?
Getting a good tutor suited to your child is a difficult and
expensive process (even before considering the tutor's pay).
It gets much more expensive when your child needs to learn
to speak French, play an instrument, learn programmingor
prepare for exams
This is where they come in. Prepclass provides students with
all the resources they need to pass exams, they work with a
pool of graduates, 1st class and 2nd class upper
undergraduates from the best universities. They have tutors
to cater for students from primary school to undergraduate
levels and prospective university students especially those
looking to study abroad. They prepare students for exams
Q2. Cost implications?
The cost of paying a tutor falls within a range depending on
several factors but they have a great diversity of tutors and
flexible pricing structures - contact them.
Are Prepclass Tutors Trust Worthy, Would my home be safe?
They only work with reputable tutorsohh. They have an
elaborate due diligence process that guarantees that
anybody that comes to your house would be trustworthy.
To get a home tutor for your kid, fill this form
Send the word "request' followed by Name, Address, Class,
subject of interest to 08187878509 nowe.g Request, Daniel
Peters, 5 Osborne Ikoyi Lagos, SS1, Englsih, Maths,
And incase you were wondering, Prepclass is a registered
company and they were recently nominated for the future
awards so you can be sure they are legit.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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