Former Military Head of State Ibrahim
Former Military President, General
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, is 73
years old today. In this interview to
mark the occasion, Babangida, fondly
called IBB, speaks on some critical issues
in the country, including the continuous
detention of the Chibok girls by the
Islamist group, Boko Haram, the power
situation in the country, the 2015
general elections, among others.
It has been over 100 days since the
kidnapping of the Chibok school girls.
Despite the assurances by the
international community, the girls have
not been found. What is the way
forward? When do you think we can
get these girls back home to their
Perhaps the way forward is what
government is doing now. I know there
are complications. It is no longer an
issue that you could ask the military to
move into Sambisa forest and rescue
the girls. I think Nigerians want the girls
rescued and brought back home alive
not dead; that is a very daring thing to
do. From my experience as a
professional soldier, a lot of planning, a
lot of cooperation, a lot of study has to
be done to achieve this objective. 217
or whatever the number is, is a lot of
population to lose just like that. So I
think government is trying from what
we got during our last briefing; I am
quite satisfied that efforts are really
being made to get the girls out. You
see, the objective is to get them out of
that place alive, the operative word is
alive, you can order a full scale military
operation and you could get them all
killed which would defeat the objective.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Sunday, 17 August 2014
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» I Am Satisfied With President Jonathan’s Efforts To Rescue Chibok Girls – IBB Said ?
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