Thursday, 14 August 2014

Michael Cera releases an album

He's no Beyonce, but Michael Cera can still pull off a surprise

album release.

The "Arrested Development" star released an 18-track album

titled "True That" which features instrumental compositions and

some vocals. Cera is no novice when it comes to music: He's

sung backup vocals and played some on a Weezer track and

jammed with the indie rock group Mister Heavenly.

The Daily Beast called it "a mix of instrumental tracks, lovely

ballads and solemn covers" and compares (perhaps tongue-in-

cheek) his project to Beyonce's surprise album.

The Daily Beast's Amy Zimmerman asks: "So is there any

difference at all between Michael Cera's true that and

Beyoncé's Beyoncé?"

She answers her own question. "Honestly, not really. In 'What

Gives,' Cera samples what appears to be a child's voice, which

is a blatant attempt to rival Blue Ivy's vocal stylings on 'Blue.'

'Sexy Danger' has all the wild, sensual energy of 'Drunk in

Love,' but with absolutely no words!"

His "Superbad" costar Jonah Hill tweeted his support of the

project saying "My great friend Michael Cera not only is a

brilliant actor, he also makes great music."

Cera's album is available for download on his site.

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