Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Mother Sets Husband On Fire While He Slept For Raping Her7-Year-Old Daughter (PHOTO)

The man who was badly burned when

his wife allegedly set him on fire is now

facing sex crime charges.

Renton police earlier said Vincent

Phillips, 52, had been doused in

gasoline July 17 while he slept in bed

by his wife, Tatanysha Hedman.

Investigators said Hedman then set her

husband on fire.

Phillips then fled their apartment and

drove to a Skyway convenience store

screaming "I'm on fire!" Customers

looked on as Vincent Phillips dropped to

his knees, clearly in agony and

begging, "Help me!"

Footage from a security camera shows

the victim stumble into a Skyway

convenience store screaming "I'm on


The store clerk called 911 and medics

rushed Phillips to Harborview Medical

Center for treatment of severe burns.

Hedman, 40, later was arrested and

told investigators she set her husband

on fire because he hurt her 7-year-old

daughter, who is his stepdaughter. She

said she did it because shooting him

"was too nice."

Then on Wednesday detectives said

they are recommending that Phillips be

charged with first-degree child


Phillips is still hospitalized in intensive

care. His wife remains in jail, facing

assault and arson charges.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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