Thursday 16 October 2014

Paula Who? Robin Thicke Throws Himself a Divorce Party

After all the begging,dedicating his recent 'flopped" album to her,Robin Thicke is finally moving on.Last week, Paula Patton officially filed for divorce,dashing all hopes of reconciliation .She also moved  her new boyfriend, Zak Waters into her Calabasas house. Pagesix reports
Robin Thicke threw himself a big old divorce party on Friday, complete with a harem of models and Leo DiCaprio.The singer threw himself one hell of a consolation party at his pad in LA
Friday night.Thicke started at nightclub Hyde, then invited a select group including a host of models and attractive women back to his house in the Hollywood Hills. Once there, they were met by DiCaprio, There were a lot of models there. Leo and Robin were being super flirtatious and talking to tons of girls. Robin, in particular, was dancing and talking to a pretty brunette throughout most of the night. At one point, he grabbed a girl’s hand and was like, ‘Let’s dance’ . . . he was in great spirits, and put on a mix of music including pop, hip-hop, older stuff from the ’90s and soul. Everyone was dancing until past 3 a.m.”
Just incase you need to know why she divorced him see below


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